ISO 27001

Information Security Management & ISO/IEC 27001 Certifications

ITAKA SA guides companies step-by-step toward ISO 27001 certification, starting from the identification of critical data to the implementation of an effective security system that allows compliance with the NIS2 Directive.

International Information Security Standards

In today’s digital age, protecting corporate data is paramount. ITAKA SA assists companies in safeguarding sensitive information, including financial data, intellectual property, and personal information, through a structured cybersecurity system.


What are the ISO/IEC 27000 standards?

The ISO/IEC 27000 standards are a collection of international norms that establish best practices for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). Among these, ISO/IEC 27001 is the most recognized, providing specific requirements for implementing an effective information security management system. This standard helps organizations protect sensitive data in a systematic manner and in compliance with international regulations.


Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

  1. Regulatory Compliance: ISO/IEC 27001 provides a comprehensive methodology for complying with information security laws and regulations.
  2. Legislative Compliance Support: While ISO/IEC 27001 certification is voluntary, it offers an additional assurance of compliance with GDPR (EU) & LPD (CH), especially with the extension ISO/IEC 27701, specifically dedicated to personal data security.
  3. Competitive Advantage: ISO/IEC 27001 certification can boost customer confidence, leading to increased business opportunities.
  4. Cost Reduction: Investing in preventing security incidents helps avoid financial losses due to data breaches.
  5. Organizational Improvement: ISO/IEC 27001 certification promotes greater organizational efficiency, clarifying processes and responsibilities, and can be a valuable support in implementing Artificial Intelligence systems, for which ISO has dedicated a specific standard, ISO/IEC 42001.


Why implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS)?

  • Legal Compliance: The increasing number of regulations makes a systematic approach to security essential. ISO 27001 provides a solution to address all compliance requirements.
  • Asset Protection: From customer data to company know-how, an ISMS ensures the long-term security of your most valuable assets.
  • Increased Transparency: Certification demonstrates to customers and partners that your company manages all information securely and responsibly.


How ITAKA SA helps with ISO/IEC 27001 certification

ITAKA SA guides companies step-by-step towards certification, starting from the identification of critical data to the implementation of an effective security system.

  • Data Criticality Assessment
  • Documentation of Processes and Treatments
  • Identification of Risks and Implementation of Necessary Controls
  • Involvement of External Suppliers in Information Security



ISO/IEC 27001 certification not only ensures compliance with regulations but also protects your company’s most valuable asset: information. ITAKA SA is ready to support you throughout the certification process, ensuring your information security management system is robust, efficient, and meets the highest standards.

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